RU: Благодаря устойчивой бизнес-репутации РОО «Белорусская палата моды», удалось заручиться поддержкой MOST (Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contact) и отправить представителей таких fashion-брендов как Lakbi, Nelva, Alena Goretskaya, T. Efremova, émse, Balunova Design Studio на Berlin Fashion Week.
В связи с высоким интересом к немецкому рынку команда пополнилась представителями брендов Condra Deluxe, Prestige Moda и Mark Formelle.
Делеганты посетили известные мировые выставки: Premium exhibition, Seek, Show and Order, Panorama, Greenshowroom, Ethical Fashion Week, Der Berliner Salon; показы Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin и приняли участие в эксклюзивной ознакомительной экскурсии по «закулисью» Недели моды. Во время поездки прошли встречи в формате B2B, которые помогли белорусским брендам найти и наладить бизнес-связи для экспорта в Евросоюз.
Янина Гончарова, председатель РОО, провела успешные переговоры с немецкими коллегами о специальных условиях участия белорусских марок в выставках и fashion-мероприятиях.
EN: Thanks to sustainable business-reputation of Belarus Fashion Council, it was possible to get the support of MOST (Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contact) and send representatives of such fashion brands as Lakbi, Nelva, Alena Goretskaya, T. Efremova, émse, Balunova Fashion Design Studio at Berlin Fashion Week.
Due to the high interest in German market, representatives of Condra Deluxe, Prestige Moda and Mark Formelle joined the team.
Delegates visited famous exhibitions: Premium Exhibition, Seek, Show and Order, Panorama, Greenshowroom, Ethical Fashion Week, Der Berliner Salon; shows of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin and took part in an exclusive introductory tour to the backstage of fashion week. During the trip, meetings were held in B2B format, that helped Belarusian brands to find and establish business connections for export to European Union.
Yanina Hancharova, the head of the NGO, held successful negotiations with German colleagues on the special conditions for the participation of Belarusian brands in exhibitions and fashion events.